
Organo is proud of the quality of our products and the companies that manufacture for us globally. Organo ensures product compliance with local regulations in all countries where it officially conducts business, and our corporate team works closely with regulatory lawyers and personnel to obtain the necessary permits and ensure product local compliance.

Organo also follows strict standard operating procedures to qualify suppliers and assess their reliability, the continuous efficient production of safe and quality products, and overall effectiveness of their quality assurance system. Our ingredients are tested when they come into the lab to ensure potency, quality, and purity to our standards. During manufacturing product is tested to ensure consistency of formula across the entire manufacturing duration. We also test at the end of manufacturing to ensure the products meet our standards for taste, quality, and that we meet label claims in all countries.

As part of product quality control and to ensure compliance with safety regulations for our beverages, nutraceuticals and personal care products, the range of tests implemented during the production includes microbiological, chemical and physical, shelf life, nutritional analyzes, sensory analyzes, allergens, label claim, stability and shelf life. In addition we work with global regulatory teams and lawyers to ensure our labels meet local regulations and accurately portray the product benefits.

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